I think the picture is one of my favorite pictures of 2023.This week I was in Berlin on business. Everything was fully booked... my hotel was 3km from work. But instead of taking the bus or taxi, I walked there and back every day and enjoyed the fresh air.On the first morning I saw the friendly man standing at the traffic lights with his bike and his dog. Since the camera was in my backpack, I quickly pulled out the iPhone. Opened the Lightroom app (then the images end up directly as RAW in the import folder from my LR library and are not lost. I would probably never look on my smartphone again) and took my picture. The man then spoke to me directly and said, "You could have asked me, it wouldn't be a problem to take the picture." We then had a nice chat before the two of them cycled away at the green light.
just like the friendly facial expression, the dog's hairstyle and the fact that the woman is still standing in the background. Certainly not a picture for the general public, but for me personally an absolute highlight.After that, I didn't get a single really good picture the whole week, even though I was out and about on the streets of Berlin every evening.
And because of that one capture, it was still a really great week for me.
Sometimes it's just the little things that make life and photography so great.